Complaints and appealing

Procedure of dealing with complaints and appeals

The purpose of this procedure is to describe process of making complaints and appeals process related to the Certification Body’s activities by applicants/certified persons or by third parties.



Any natural or legal person can make a complaint about activities of the Certification Body C-WT or personnel certified by Certification Body C-WT.

  1. The complaint must be submitted in writing form, stating the complainant’s identification data, giving factual reasons for the complaint and the necessary objective evidence.
  2. The Certification Body confirms the receipt of the complaint and records the complaint. The Head of the Certification Body will examine whether the complaint relates to the activities for which the Certification Body is responsible. In case that yes, Certification Body delegated the responsible person to investigate the complaint. Within the investigating process are involved different employees, such as those, involved in decisions or activities that have led to a complaint.
  3. In the case of a complaint to a Head of Certification Body, the complaint is resolved by company director, who investigates whether it is legitimize complaint and after that reacts corresponding way.
  4. The complaint handling process is managed by confidentiality requirements, both in relation to the complainant and the subject of the complaint. Certification Body undertakes that filing, reviewing and decision-making on a complaint will not lead to any discrimination against the complainant.
  5. In the case of a complaint to a person certified by the Certification Body C-WT, Certification Body requests the certified person to declare to the complaint within the prescribed time limit.
  6. After reviewing the documentation and finding that it is a violation of behavior from Certified Person or if the Certified Person does not take the necessary action to resolve the complaint, the Certification Body may decide to suspend, reduce or revoke the certificate.
  7. The complainant will provide to the Certification Body a formal statement on the termination of the complaint handling process within 30 days of the complaint filing unless a different term is agreed.



An appeal is also understood as a written submission of the applicant/candidate or certified person related to the Certification Body decision for:

  • assessment of the application for certification
  • examinations and their evaluation
  • certification or recertification decisions
  • decisions to extend or reduce the subject of certification, as well as suspension and withdrawal of certification


  1. The complaint must be submitted in writing form, stating the complainant’s identification data, giving factual reasons for the complaint and the necessary objective evidence.
  2. The Certification Body confirms the receipt of the appeal and records the appeal. Certification Body delegated the responsible person to investigate the appeal, while within the investigating process are involved different employees, such as those, involved in decisions or activities that have led to an appeal.
  3. For the decision on the method of resolving the appeal is the responsible Head of the Certification Body. The decision must include a way of resolving or rejecting the appeal.
  4. The time limit for filing an appeal against to decision of the Certification Body is 30 days from the date of the decision was obtained. The time limit for resolving the appeal by the Certification Body is 30 days from the date of registering the appeal.
  5. The appeal process is managed by confidentiality requirements. Certification Body undertakes that the filing, reviewing and decision-making on appeals will not lead to any discriminatory actions against the person who filed the appeal.